43082486 — Calved: Jan. 31, 2010
Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 860U — Dam: CL 1 DOMINETTE 440P 1ET
• 0145X is a true performance bull that sires outstanding bulls and super females. His daughters are deep bodied, easy fleshing and have beautiful udders. Now in his sixth spring breeding season Cline reports he is completely sound and very athletic.
• Owned with Vernie and Shiloh Doehring, Noack Herefords, Texas, Stan Cline, Colo., ET Herefords, Mo. and Blaser Hereford Farms, Ill.


43379692 — Calved: Jan. 5, 2013
Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 105Y — Dam: CL1 DOMINETTE 1116Y
• 314 sires beautiful, low birth weight, short marked, pigmented calves that are born extremely easy and then just get up and grow. His calves were a feature in Berry’s 2015 sale and will dominate the top end of their 2016 sale. A commercial producer that used 100 straws on heifers in 2014 recently purchased 150 straws. The true test!
• Owned with The Berrys, Wyo., Cooper Hereford Ranch, Mont. and K7 Herefords, Iowa


43575976 — Calved: Jan. 14, 2015
Sire: GB L1 DOMINO 177R — Dam: CL1 DOMINETTE 1116Y
• Auctioneer Joe Goggins said it best, “Here is the rancher’s bull.”
• Great feet and legs. Beautiful to watch on the move. He has grow written all over him. His picture and numbers say the rest.
• Along with 314A, we now own two sons of the 1116Y cow.
• Owned with The Berrys, Wyo. and Cooper Hereford Ranch, Mont.